This marks the beginning of a really exciting part within the TIME journey. When I had the concept to launch TIME I knew straight away the people and products that I wanted to form relationships with.
One of the first ideas I had was to create a pregnancy snack that was enjoyable but it also had to be nutritious and a great source of energy, whilst being a healthy choice.

During labour you may be advised to leave your dignity at the door as you bear-all. Nothing quite prepared me for my midwife brushing my 'fluffy teeth'! Just one of the happy (if a bit bizarre) memories that I love about my pregnancy experience.
Now... everyone who has ever given birth will tell you there is no way they can think about food during labour. Even the thought of a healthy smoothie made me gag, and I love smoothies! Clearly, my body was saving space for the incredible cup of tea and buttery toast that follows delivery... why is that so darn good?! Someone comment below and tell me what they put on that toast?!!...
It stands to reason that food is incredibly important in the run up to labour. Not just for Mums, but their partners also. Let's face it...there is no way you'll have the time or inclination to sneak out for a McDonald's during labour.
"little and often"
The trick is to eat little and often to keep the energy levels up. Our muscles are doing some super work during labour and we don't want fatigue to set in. Throughout my pregnancy I was told Jelly Babies were the answer. They are small and packed full with sugar to give you the instant energy to get you through. Plus midwives tend to carry some in their carry bag (be sure to raid that upon their arrival). However...with a sugar high comes the dullest of sugar lows. Not to mention, you could end up experiencing the 'fluffy-teeth' situation. I'll try and save you from that one!
So I wanted to create a product designed primarily for the birthing experience that met the nutritional and digestive requirements of Mother & Baby. A product that can be enjoyed during pregnancy, through labour & following birth. To give you that injection of slow-release energy that's sustainable and includes many nutritional benefits.
The first person I spoke with about my plans was Shelagh Keating of Fudging Lovely, an award-winning confectioner. Anyone who has tasted their fudge will agree, it's incredibly delicious!
The first time I knew of Shelagh she left fresh baked flapjacks on my porch whilst I was labouring. She left them as she noticed my curtains had been closed for 2 days and she had heard we were planning a home-birth. Now might be a good time to tell her that my husband scoffed the lot (labour was hard on him...).
The following day Shelagh arrived with a freshly baked cake which my family was eternally grateful for as they had just arrived over from Ireland. As a mother herself, Shelagh knew: keep mum fed! When you are fed your body works better. As a pregnant woman, your body requires 300 calories above your normal daily intake.
TIME minis
With a huge amount of care & love, an enormous serving of passion and a sprinkle of dedication, TIME Bump & Beyond and Fudging Lovely have collaborated to create our NEW pregnancy nibble: TIME minis.
We recently trialled the TIME Minis at the Wirral Home Birth Group and our test products were devoured! I was fed the rest on the drive home as I was trying to be polite at group and not eat any, which then of course left me starving, I can concur they are totally moorish and utterly irresistible!
Depending on your particular taste preference we have 2 options: Almond, Coconut & Ginger and Hazelnut Cacao (a favourite if, like me, you love Ferrero Rocher). Not only are they delicious, they are also packed full of vitamins & minerals such as Vitamins B & E, Calcium, Iron, Fibre, Magnesium, Zinc, Copper & Potassium, plus slow-release carbohydrates to keep you energised and healthy.
TIME Minis conveniently fit into your handbag, under the counter and will be perfectly at home at your work desk. An ideal solution to keep your energy up at work.
They are great as a gift to show you support a loved-one's pregnancy journey.
We are incredibly excited to launch our new TIME Minis and would like to offer all our new customers and exclusive offer of BUY 2 get the 3rd FREE* Use code TIME342 at the checkout*.
To make a purchase for you or a friend, please visit
For more information on our NEW Pregnancy Nibbles and further products & services, please visit
Thank You!

Terri Irvin
Owner & Founder
Time: Bump & Beyond
*offer valid until 20th October 2018